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Odyssey into the future


Science fiction and reality: two parallel or converging universes?

Since time immemorial, the artistic and literary universe of sci-fi has described many possible futures—be they utopian or dystopian,—often surprising us with insights that have been confirmed by reality.

Artists and writers have imagined worlds far away in time and space. They have often reinterpreted past events and offered new keys to interpret the present.
‘Odyssey into the future’ is a MUSE Agorà project that invites you to explore science fiction themes through novels, films, comics, games and videogames, art and multimedia works, and to reflect on the possible evolution of our society.

Learn more about the themes of the project

The Themes

The project investigates four main themes:

🤖 Technology
Humanoid robots, flying machines, intergalactic travel, space colonies, revolutionary medical discoveries: how many of these ideas have become reality thanks to science? And how will the technology of the future improve our well-being?

👥 Society
Science fiction has described both utopian and dystopian future societies to varying degrees. Through novels, films and TV series, it has made us question more than ever the impact of new technologies on our society and how it is changing. So what changes are in store for us?

🌿 Nature
Science fiction has also delved into the evolution of our relationship with the environment. Climate fiction (cli-fi) exaggerates the effects of climate change, becoming a form of activism that warns us of the consequences of our actions.
Beyond apocalyptic scenarios, solarpunk tries to imagine a future where humanity has found sustainable solutions thanks to renewable energy. Will this remain a utopia?

🎭 Art
Sci-fi expands the boundaries of imagination, allowing us to conceive new worlds and societies. What is the role of art in reflecting on the present and the future?

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